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Blocks and Tuples

Blocks are the fundamental building blocks (pun intended) of Getty's (de)serialization process.

They define how types should be serialized or deserialized into. For example, all of the ways a bool value can be serialized by Getty are specified in the getty.ser.blocks.Bool block, and all of the ways that you can deserialize into a [5]i32 are defined in

Internally, Getty uses blocks to form its core (de)serialization behavior. However, they are also the main mechanism for customization in Getty. Users and (de)serializers can take advantage of blocks in order to customize the way Getty (de)serializes values, as we'll see later on.


A block is nothing more than a struct namespace that specifies two things:

  1. The type(s) that should be (de)serialized by the block.
  2. How to serialize or deserialize into values of those types.

There are a few different kinds of blocks you can make in Getty, so let's go over them now.

Serialization Blocks

To manually define the serialization process for a type, you can use a serialization block.

Zig code
const sb = struct {
    // (1)!
    pub fn is(comptime T: type) bool {
        return T == bool;

    // (2)!
    pub fn serialize(
        allocator: ?std.mem.Allocator,
        value: anytype,
        serializer: anytype,
    ) @TypeOf(serializer).Error!@TypeOf(serializer).Ok {
        _ = allocator;

        // Convert bool value to a Getty Integer.
        const v: i32 = if (value) 1 else 0;

        // Pass the Getty Integer value to the serializer.
        return try serializer.serializeInt(v);
  1. is specifies which types can be serialized by the sb block.

    In this case, the sb block applies only to bool values.

  2. serialize specifies how to serialize values relevant to the sb block into Getty's data model.

    In this case, we're telling Getty to serialize bool values as Integers.

Deserialization Blocks

To manually define the deserialization process for a type, you can use a deserialization block.

Zig code
const db = struct {
    // (1)!
    pub fn is(comptime T: type) bool {
        return T == bool;

    // (2)!
    pub fn deserialize(
        allocator: ?std.mem.Allocator,
        comptime T: type,
        deserializer: anytype,
        visitor: anytype,
    ) @TypeOf(deserializer).Error!@TypeOf(visitor).Value {
        _ = T; // (3)!

        return try deserializer.deserializeInt(allocator, visitor);

    // (4)!
    pub fn Visitor(comptime Value: type) type {
        return struct {
            pub usingnamespace
                .{ .visitInt = visitInt },

            pub fn visitInt(
                self: @This(),
                allocator: ?std.mem.Allocator,
                comptime Deserializer: type,
                input: anytype,
            ) Deserializer.Error!Value {
                _ = self;
                _ = allocator;

                return input != 0;
  1. is specifies which types can be deserialized into by the db block.

    In this case, the db block applies only to bool values.

  2. deserialize specifies the hint that Getty should provide a deserializer about the type being deserialized into.

    In this case, we call deserializeInt, which means that Getty will tell the deserializer that the Zig type being deserialized into can probably be made from a Getty Integer.

  3. T is the current type being deserialized into.

    Usually, you don't need it unless you're doing pointer deserialization.

  4. Visitor is a generic type that implements

    Visitors are responsible for specifying how to deserialize values from Getty's data model into Zig. In this case, our visitor can deserialize Integers into bool values, which it does by simply returning whether or not the integer is 0.

Attribute Blocks

SBs and DBs are typically used for complex modifications to Getty's (de)serialization processes. For simpler customizations, you can usually get away with the more convenient attribute blocks.


Attribute blocks may only be defined by struct and union types.

With ABs, Getty's default (de)serialization processes are used. For example, struct values would be serialized using the default getty.ser.blocks.Struct block and deserialized with the default block. However, based on the attributes that you specify, slight changes to these default processes will take effect.

Regardless of whether you're serializing or deserializing, ABs are always defined like so:

Zig code
const Point = struct {
    x: i32,
    y: i32 = 123,

const ab = struct {
    pub fn is(comptime T: type) bool {
        return T == Point;

    // (1)!
    pub const attributes = .{ // (2)!
        .x = .{ .rename = "X" }, // (3)!
        .y = .{ .skip = true },
  1. attributes specifies various (de)serialization properties for values relevant to the ab block.

    If ab is used for serialization, then attributes specifies that the x field of Point should be serialized as "X", and that the y field of Point should be skipped.

    If ab is used for deserialization, then attributes specifies that the value for the x field of Point has been serialized as "X", and that the y field of Point should not be deserialized.

  2. attributes is an anonymous struct literal.

    Each field name in attributes must match either a field or variant in your struct or union, or the word Container. The former are known as field/variant attributes, while the latter are known as container attributes.

  3. Each field in attributes is also an anonymous struct literal. The fields in these inner struct values depend on the kind of attribute you're specifying (i.e., field/variant or container).

Supported Attributes

For a complete list of the attributes supported by Getty, see here.

Type-Defined Blocks

The blocks we've discussed so far are known as out-of-band blocks. They're defined separately from the type(s) that they operate on. Out-of-band blocks have their place, such as when you want to customize a type that you didn't define (e.g., the types in std). However, there's a more convenient way to do things for struct and union types that you did define yourself.

If you define a block within a struct or union, Getty will automatically process it without you having to pass it to a (de)serializer. All you have to do is make sure that the block is public and named @"" (for serialization) or @"getty.db" (for deserialization).

Type-defined blocks are defined exactly the same as attribute and (de)serialization blocks are. The only difference is that you don't need to define an is function.

Zig code
const Point = struct {
    x: i32,
    y: i32,

    pub const @"" = struct {
        pub const attributes = .{
            .x = .{ .rename = "X" },
            .y = .{ .skip = true },


Once you've defined a block, you can pass them along to Getty via the getty.Serializer and getty.Deserializer interfaces. They take optional (de)serialization blocks as arguments.

For example, the following defines a serializer that can serialize Booleans and Integers into JSON. It's generic over an SB, which it passes to Getty, making it even easier for us to customize Getty's behavior.

Zig code
const std = @import("std");
const getty = @import("getty");

fn Serializer(comptime user_sb: anytype) type {
    return struct {
        pub usingnamespace getty.Serializer(
                .serializeBool = serializeBool,
                .serializeInt = serializeInt,

        const Ok = void;
        const Error = getty.ser.Error;

        fn serializeBool(_: @This(), value: bool) Error!Ok {
            std.debug.print("{}\n", .{value});

        fn serializeInt(_: @This(), value: anytype) Error!Ok {
            std.debug.print("{}\n", .{value});

const sb = struct {
    pub fn is(comptime T: type) bool {
        return T == bool;

    pub fn serialize(_: ?std.mem.Allocator, value: anytype, serializer: anytype) !@TypeOf(serializer).Ok {
        const v: i32 = if (value) 1 else 0;
        return try serializer.serializeInt(v);

pub fn main() !void {
    // Normal
        var s = Serializer(null){};
        const serializer = s.serializer();

        try getty.serialize(null, true, serializer);
        try getty.serialize(null, false, serializer);

    // Custom
        var s = Serializer(sb){};
        const serializer = s.serializer();

        try getty.serialize(null, true, serializer);
        try getty.serialize(null, false, serializer);
Shell session
$ zig build run


In order to pass multiple (de)serialization blocks to Getty, you can use (de)serialization tuples.

A (de)serialization tuple is, well, a tuple of (de)serialization blocks. They can be used wherever a (de)serialization block can be used and allow you to do some pretty cool things. For example, suppose you had the following type:

Zig code
const Point = struct {
    x: i32,
    y: i32,

If all you wanted to do was serialize Point values as Sequences, you'd just write an SB and pass it along to Getty. However, what if you also wanted to serialize i32 values as Booleans? One option is to stuff all of your custom serialization logic into a single block. But that gets messy really quick and inevitably becomes a pain to maintain.

A much better solution is to break up your serialization logic into separate blocks. One for Point values and one for i32 values. Then, you just group them together as a serialization tuple!

Zig code
const point_sb = struct { ... };
const i32_sb = struct { ... };

const point_st = .{ point_sb, i32_sb };