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Contributions to Getty are very welcome!

This page provides some information and a few guidelines to help get you started on your contributing journey. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out on the Getty Discord.



  • GitHub Issues are used exclusively for tracking bugs and feature requests for Getty.

  • When filing an issue, please provide a brief explanation on how to reproduce your issue.

  • When filing a feature request, please check if the latest version of Getty already implements the feature beforehand and whether there's already an issue filed for your feature.

Pull Requests

  • Before submitting a PR, please test your changes and ensure that the test suite passes locally.

  • When submitting a PR, please have it be relative to a recent Git tip.

  • If you push a new version of a PR, please add a comment about the new version. Notifications aren't sent for commits, so it's easy to miss updates without an explicit comment.