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Every Getty deserializer implements the getty.Deserializer interface, shown below.

Zig code
// (1)!
fn Deserializer(
    comptime Context: type, // (2)!
    comptime E: type, // (3)!

    // (4)!
    comptime user_dbt: anytype,
    comptime deserializer_dbt: anytype,

    // (5)!
    comptime methods: struct {
        // (6)!
        deserializeAny: ?fn (Context, std.mem.Allocator, v: anytype) E!@TypeOf(v).Value = null,
        deserializeBool: ?fn (Context, std.mem.Allocator, v: anytype) E!@TypeOf(v).Value = null,
        deserializeEnum: ?fn (Context, std.mem.Allocator, v: anytype) E!@TypeOf(v).Value = null,
        deserializeFloat: ?fn (Context, std.mem.Allocator, v: anytype) E!@TypeOf(v).Value = null,
        deserializeIgnored: ?fn (Context, std.mem.Allocator, v: anytype) E!@TypeOf(v).Value = null,
        deserializeInt: ?fn (Context, std.mem.Allocator, v: anytype) E!@TypeOf(v).Value = null,
        deserializeMap: ?fn (Context, std.mem.Allocator, v: anytype) E!@TypeOf(v).Value = null,
        deserializeOptional: ?fn (Context, std.mem.Allocator, v: anytype) E!@TypeOf(v).Value = null,
        deserializeSeq: ?fn (Context, std.mem.Allocator, v: anytype) E!@TypeOf(v).Value = null,
        deserializeString: ?fn (Context, std.mem.Allocator, v: anytype) E!@TypeOf(v).Value = null,
        deserializeStruct: ?fn (Context, std.mem.Allocator, v: anytype) E!@TypeOf(v).Value = null,
        deserializeUnion: ?fn (Context, std.mem.Allocator, v: anytype) E!@TypeOf(v).Value = null,
        deserializeVoid: ?fn (Context, std.mem.Allocator, v: anytype) E!@TypeOf(v).Value = null,
) type
  1. A getty.Deserializer deserializes values from a data format into Getty's data model.

  2. Context is a namespace that owns the method implementations passed to the methods parameter.

    Usually, this is the type implementing getty.Deserializer or a pointer to it if mutability is required.

  3. E is the error set returned by getty.Deserializer's methods upon failure.

    The value of E must contain, a base error set defined by Getty.

  4. user_dbt and deserializer_dbt are optional user- and deserializer-defined derialization blocks or tuples, respectively.

    They allow users and deserializers to customize Getty's deserialization behavior. If user- or deserializer-defined customization isn't supported, null can be passed in for these parameters.

  5. methods lists every method that a Deserializer must provide or can override.

  6. These methods are responsible for deserializing into a specific type in Getty's data model from a data format.

    The v parameter in these methods is a interface value.

    The deserializeAny and deserializeIgnored methods are pretty niche, so we can ignore them for this tutorial.

Quite the parameter list!

Luckily, most of the parameters have default values we can use. So let's kick things off with the following implementation:

const std = @import("std");
const getty = @import("getty");

const Deserializer = struct {
    tokens: std.json.TokenStream, // (1)!

    const Self = @This();

    pub usingnamespace getty.Deserializer(

    const Error = ||
        std.json.TokenStream.Error ||
        std.fmt.ParseIntError ||

    const De = Self.@"getty.Deserializer"; // (2)!

    pub fn init(json: []const u8) Self {
        return .{ .tokens = std.json.TokenStream.init(json) };
  1. A JSON parser provided by the standard library.

  2. A convenient alias for our getty.Deserializer interface type.

Scalar Deserialization

To deserialize a value with our brand new Deserializer, we can call getty.deserialize, which takes an optional allocator, a type to deserialize into, and a getty.Deserializer interface value.

const std = @import("std");
const getty = @import("getty");

const ally = std.heap.page_allocator;

const Deserializer = struct {
    tokens: std.json.TokenStream,

    const Self = @This();

    pub usingnamespace getty.Deserializer(

    const Error = ||
        std.json.TokenStream.Error ||
        std.fmt.ParseIntError ||

    const De = Self.@"getty.Deserializer";

    pub fn init(json: []const u8) Self {
        return .{ .tokens = std.json.TokenStream.init(json) };

pub fn main() !void {
    var d = Deserializer.init("true");
    const dd = d.deserializer();

    const result = try getty.deserialize(ally, bool, dd);
    defer result.deinit();
    const value = result.value;

    std.debug.print("{} ({})\n", .{ value, @TypeOf(value) });
Shell session
$ zig build run
[...] error: deserializeBool is not implemented by type: *main.Deserializer

A compile error!

Looks like Getty can't deserialize into the bool type unless deserializeBool is implemented. Let's fix that.

const std = @import("std");
const getty = @import("getty");

const Allocator = std.mem.Allocator;
const ally = std.heap.page_allocator;

const Deserializer = struct {
    tokens: std.json.TokenStream,

    const Self = @This();

    pub usingnamespace getty.Deserializer(
            .deserializeBool = deserializeBool,

    const Error = ||
        std.json.TokenStream.Error ||
        std.fmt.ParseIntError ||

    const De = Self.@"getty.Deserializer";

    pub fn init(json: []const u8) Self {
        return .{ .tokens = std.json.TokenStream.init(json) };

    // (1)!
    fn deserializeBool(self: *Self, arena: Allocator, v: anytype) Error!@TypeOf(v).Value {
        if (try |token| {
            if (token == .True or token == .False) {
                return try v.visitBool(arena, De, token == .True);

        return error.InvalidType;

pub fn main() !void {
    var d = Deserializer.init("true");
    const dd = d.deserializer();

    const result = try getty.deserialize(ally, bool, dd);
    defer result.deinit();
    const value = result.value;

    std.debug.print("{} ({})\n", .{ value, @TypeOf(value) });
  1. What we're doing in this function is:

    1. Parsing a token from the JSON data.
    2. Checking to see if the token is a JSON Boolean.
    3. Deserializing the token into a Boolean (token == .True).
    4. Passing the Boolean to the visitor, v.
Shell session
$ zig build run
true (bool)


Now let's do the same thing for the other scalar types.

const std = @import("std");
const getty = @import("getty");

const Allocator = std.mem.Allocator;
const ally = std.heap.page_allocator;

const Deserializer = struct {
    tokens: std.json.TokenStream,

    const Self = @This();

    pub usingnamespace getty.Deserializer(
            .deserializeBool = deserializeBool,
            .deserializeEnum = deserializeEnum,
            .deserializeFloat = deserializeFloat,
            .deserializeInt = deserializeInt,
            .deserializeString = deserializeString,
            .deserializeVoid = deserializeVoid,
            .deserializeOptional = deserializeOptional,

    const Error = ||
        std.json.TokenStream.Error ||
        std.fmt.ParseIntError ||

    const De = Self.@"getty.Deserializer";

    pub fn init(json: []const u8) Self {
        return .{ .tokens = std.json.TokenStream.init(json) };

    fn deserializeBool(self: *Self, arena: Allocator, v: anytype) Error!@TypeOf(v).Value {
        if (try |token| {
            if (token == .True or token == .False) {
                return try v.visitBool(arena, De, token == .True);

        return error.InvalidType;

    // (1)!
    fn deserializeEnum(self: *Self, arena: Allocator, v: anytype) Error!@TypeOf(v).Value {
        if (try |token| {
            if (token == .String) {
                const str = token.String.slice(self.tokens.slice, self.tokens.i - 1);
                return try v.visitString(arena, De, str);

        return error.InvalidType;

    fn deserializeFloat(self: *Self, arena: Allocator, v: anytype) Error!@TypeOf(v).Value {
        if (try |token| {
            if (token == .Number) {
                const str = token.Number.slice(self.tokens.slice, self.tokens.i - 1);
                return try v.visitFloat(arena, De, try std.fmt.parseFloat(f64, str));

        return error.InvalidType;

    fn deserializeInt(self: *Self, arena: Allocator, v: anytype) Error!@TypeOf(v).Value {
        if (try |token| {
            if (token == .Number) {
                const str = token.Number.slice(self.tokens.slice, self.tokens.i - 1);

                if (token.Number.is_integer) {
                    return try switch (str[0]) {
                        '-' => v.visitInt(arena, De, try std.fmt.parseInt(i64, str, 10)),
                        else => v.visitInt(arena, De, try std.fmt.parseInt(u64, str, 10)),

        return error.InvalidType;

    fn deserializeString(self: *Self, arena: Allocator, v: anytype) Error!@TypeOf(v).Value {
        if (try |token| {
            if (token == .String) {
                const str = token.String.slice(self.tokens.slice, self.tokens.i - 1);
                return try v.visitString(arena, De, try allocator.?.dupe(u8, str));

        return error.InvalidType;

    fn deserializeVoid(self: *Self, arena: Allocator, v: anytype) Error!@TypeOf(v).Value {
        if (try |token| {
            if (token == .Null) {
                return try v.visitVoid(arena, De);

        return error.InvalidType;

    // (2)!
    fn deserializeOptional(self: *Self, arena: Allocator, v: anytype) Error!@TypeOf(v).Value {
        const backup = self.tokens;

        if (try |token| {
            if (token == .Null) {
                return try v.visitNull(arena, De);

            self.tokens = backup;
            return try v.visitSome(arena, self.deserializer());

        return error.InvalidType;

pub fn main() !void {
    const types = .{ i32, f32, []u8, enum { foo }, ?u8, void };
    const jsons = .{ "10", "10.0", "\"ABC\"", "\"foo\"", "null", "null" };

    inline for (jsons, 0..) |data, i| {
        var d = Deserializer.init(data);
        const dd = d.deserializer();

        const result = try getty.deserialize(ally, types[i], dd);
        defer result.deinit();
        const value = result.value;

        std.debug.print("{any} ({})\n", .{ value, @TypeOf(value) });
  1. Just like in deserializeBool, all we're doing in these functions is parsing tokens, turning them into Getty values, and passing those values to a visitor.

    By the way, you'll see token.X.slice come up pretty often in our deserializer. All it's doing is getting the string that corresponds to our token from the JSON data.

  2. deserializeOptional is a bit different from the other methods. Instead of passing a Getty value to a visitor, you pass a deserializer to visitSome. The visitor will then restart the deserialization process using the optional's payload.

    You can think of this method as a place to do some pre-processing before deserializing an actual payload value.

Shell session
$ zig build run
10 (i32)
1.0e+01 (f32)
{ 65, 66, 67 } ([]u8) (main.main__enum_1315)
null (?u8)
void (void)

Easy peasy! 🎉

The deserialize* methods

When Getty calls deserializeBool, it is not telling Deserializer that it should parse and deserialize a JSON Boolean from its input data. Instead, Getty is simply providing a hint about the type that is being deserialized into.

That is, Getty is telling Deserializer, "Hey, the type that the user is deserializing into can most likely be constructed from a Getty Boolean, so you should probably deserialize your input data into one."

What this means is that we don't have to limit ourselves to parsing only JSON Booleans in deserializeBool. We could, for instance, have deserializeBool support JSON numbers as well.

Zig code
fn deserializeBool(self: *Self, arena: Allocator, v: anytype) Error!@TypeOf(v).Value {
    if (try |token| {
        // JSON Booleans -> Getty Booleans
        if (token == .True or token == .False) {
            return try v.visitBool(arena, De, token == .True);

        // JSON Numbers -> Getty Booleans
        if (token == .Number) {
            if (token.Number.is_integer) {
                const str = token.Number.slice(self.tokens.slice, self.tokens.i - 1);
                const int = try std.fmt.parseInt(i64, str, 10);
                return try v.visitBool(arena, De, int != 0);

    return error.InvalidType;

Aggregate Deserialization

Alright, now let's take a look at deserialization for aggregate types.

The difference between scalar and aggregate deserialization is that the aggregate types in Getty's data model do not directly map to any particular Zig type (or set of Zig types). That is, while Booleans are represented by bools and Integers are represented by any Zig integer type, there is no native data type in Zig that can generically represent Sequences or Maps.

This is where the aggregate deserialization interfaces come in. They represent the aggregate types within Getty's data model (from a deserialization perspective). There are four of them:

Represents a Sequence.

Represents a Map.,

Represents a Union.

Let's start by implementing deserializeSeq, which uses the interface.
Zig code
// (1)!
fn SeqAccess(
    comptime Context: type,
    comptime E: type,
    comptime methods: struct {
        // (2)!
        nextElementSeed: ?fn (Context, ?std.mem.Allocator, seed: anytype) E!?@TypeOf(seed).Value = null,
) type
  1. A is responsible for deserializing elements of a Sequence into Zig.

  2. The seed parameter of nextElementSeed is a interface value, which allows for stateful deserialization.

    By default, Getty passes in seed. The default seed just calls getty.deserialize and can therefore be used for stateless deserialization.

const std = @import("std");
const getty = @import("getty");

const Allocator = std.mem.Allocator;
const ally = std.heap.page_allocator;

const Deserializer = struct {
    tokens: std.json.TokenStream,

    const Self = @This();

    pub usingnamespace getty.Deserializer(
            .deserializeBool = deserializeBool,
            .deserializeEnum = deserializeEnum,
            .deserializeFloat = deserializeFloat,
            .deserializeInt = deserializeInt,
            .deserializeString = deserializeString,
            .deserializeVoid = deserializeVoid,
            .deserializeOptional = deserializeOptional,
            .deserializeSeq = deserializeSeq,

    const Error = ||
        std.json.TokenStream.Error ||
        std.fmt.ParseIntError ||

    const De = Self.@"getty.Deserializer";

    pub fn init(json: []const u8) Self {
        return .{ .tokens = std.json.TokenStream.init(json) };

    fn deserializeBool(self: *Self, arena: Allocator, v: anytype) Error!@TypeOf(v).Value {
        if (try |token| {
            if (token == .True or token == .False) {
                return try v.visitBool(arena, De, token == .True);

        return error.InvalidType;

    fn deserializeEnum(self: *Self, arena: Allocator, v: anytype) Error!@TypeOf(v).Value {
        if (try |token| {
            if (token == .String) {
                const str = token.String.slice(self.tokens.slice, self.tokens.i - 1);
                return try v.visitString(arena, De, str);

        return error.InvalidType;

    fn deserializeFloat(self: *Self, arena: Allocator, v: anytype) Error!@TypeOf(v).Value {
        if (try |token| {
            if (token == .Number) {
                const str = token.Number.slice(self.tokens.slice, self.tokens.i - 1);
                return try v.visitFloat(arena, De, try std.fmt.parseFloat(f64, str));

        return error.InvalidType;

    fn deserializeInt(self: *Self, arena: Allocator, v: anytype) Error!@TypeOf(v).Value {
        if (try |token| {
            if (token == .Number) {
                const str = token.Number.slice(self.tokens.slice, self.tokens.i - 1);

                if (token.Number.is_integer) {
                    return try switch (str[0]) {
                        '-' => v.visitInt(arena, De, try std.fmt.parseInt(i64, str, 10)),
                        else => v.visitInt(arena, De, try std.fmt.parseInt(u64, str, 10)),

        return error.InvalidType;

    fn deserializeString(self: *Self, arena: Allocator, v: anytype) Error!@TypeOf(v).Value {
        if (try |token| {
            if (token == .String) {
                const str = token.String.slice(self.tokens.slice, self.tokens.i - 1);
                return try v.visitString(arena, De, try allocator.?.dupe(u8, str));

        return error.InvalidType;

    fn deserializeVoid(self: *Self, arena: Allocator, v: anytype) Error!@TypeOf(v).Value {
        if (try |token| {
            if (token == .Null) {
                return try v.visitVoid(arena, De);

        return error.InvalidType;

    fn deserializeOptional(self: *Self, arena: Allocator, v: anytype) Error!@TypeOf(v).Value {
        const backup = self.tokens;

        if (try |token| {
            if (token == .Null) {
                return try v.visitNull(arena, De);

            self.tokens = backup;
            return try v.visitSome(arena, self.deserializer());

        return error.InvalidType;

    fn deserializeSeq(self: *Self, arena: Allocator, v: anytype) Error!@TypeOf(v).Value {
        if (try |token| {
            if (token == .ArrayBegin) {
                var sa = SeqAccess{ .de = self };
                return try v.visitSeq(arena, De, sa.seqAccess());

        return error.InvalidType;

const SeqAccess = struct {
    de: *Deserializer,

    pub usingnamespace
        .{ .nextElementSeed = nextElementSeed },

    fn nextElementSeed(self: *@This(), arena: Allocator, seed: anytype) Deserializer.Error!?@TypeOf(seed).Value {
        // Deserialize element.
        const element = seed.deserialize(arena, catch |err| {
            // End of input was encountered early.
            if ( - 1 >= {
                return err;

            return switch ([ - 1]) {
                ']' => null, // End of sequence was encountered.
                else => err, // Unexpected token was encountered.

        return element;

pub fn main() !void {
    var d = Deserializer.init("[1,2,3]");
    const dd = d.deserializer();

    const result = try getty.deserialize(ally, std.ArrayList(i32), dd);
    defer result.deinit();
    const value = result.value;
    defer value.deinit();

    std.debug.print("{any} ({})\n", .{ value.items, @TypeOf(value) });
Shell session
$ zig build run
{ 1, 2, 3 } (array_list.ArrayListAligned(i32,null))


Just like before, notice how we didn't have to write any iteration- or access-related code specific to std.ArrayList or any other Zig type. We just had to specify how JSON sequences (arrays) should be deserialized and Getty took care of the rest!

Okay, that leaves us with deserializeMap and deserializeUnion. Let's implement the former, which uses the interface.
Zig code
// (1)!
fn MapAccess(
    comptime Context: type,
    comptime E: type,
    comptime methods: struct {
        nextKeySeed: ?fn (Context, ?std.mem.Allocator, seed: anytype) E!?@TypeOf(seed).Value = null,
        nextValueSeed: ?fn (Context, ?std.mem.Allocator, seed: anytype) E!@TypeOf(seed).Value = null,
) type
  1. A is responsible for deserializing entries of a Map into Zig.
const std = @import("std");
const getty = @import("getty");

const Allocator = std.mem.Allocator;
const ally = std.heap.page_allocator;

const Deserializer = struct {
    tokens: std.json.TokenStream,

    const Self = @This();

    pub usingnamespace getty.Deserializer(
            .deserializeBool = deserializeBool,
            .deserializeEnum = deserializeEnum,
            .deserializeFloat = deserializeFloat,
            .deserializeInt = deserializeInt,
            .deserializeString = deserializeString,
            .deserializeVoid = deserializeVoid,
            .deserializeOptional = deserializeOptional,
            .deserializeSeq = deserializeSeq,
            .deserializeMap = deserializeMap,

    const Error = ||
        std.json.TokenStream.Error ||
        std.fmt.ParseIntError ||

    const De = Self.@"getty.Deserializer";

    pub fn init(json: []const u8) Self {
        return .{ .tokens = std.json.TokenStream.init(json) };

    fn deserializeBool(self: *Self, arena: Allocator, v: anytype) Error!@TypeOf(v).Value {
        if (try |token| {
            if (token == .True or token == .False) {
                return try v.visitBool(arena, De, token == .True);

        return error.InvalidType;

    fn deserializeEnum(self: *Self, arena: Allocator, v: anytype) Error!@TypeOf(v).Value {
        if (try |token| {
            if (token == .String) {
                const str = token.String.slice(self.tokens.slice, self.tokens.i - 1);
                return try v.visitString(arena, De, str);

        return error.InvalidType;

    fn deserializeFloat(self: *Self, arena: Allocator, v: anytype) Error!@TypeOf(v).Value {
        if (try |token| {
            if (token == .Number) {
                const str = token.Number.slice(self.tokens.slice, self.tokens.i - 1);
                return try v.visitFloat(arena, De, try std.fmt.parseFloat(f64, str));

        return error.InvalidType;

    fn deserializeInt(self: *Self, arena: Allocator, v: anytype) Error!@TypeOf(v).Value {
        if (try |token| {
            if (token == .Number) {
                const str = token.Number.slice(self.tokens.slice, self.tokens.i - 1);

                if (token.Number.is_integer) {
                    return try switch (str[0]) {
                        '-' => v.visitInt(arena, De, try std.fmt.parseInt(i64, str, 10)),
                        else => v.visitInt(arena, De, try std.fmt.parseInt(u64, str, 10)),

        return error.InvalidType;

    fn deserializeString(self: *Self, arena: Allocator, v: anytype) Error!@TypeOf(v).Value {
        if (try |token| {
            if (token == .String) {
                const str = token.String.slice(self.tokens.slice, self.tokens.i - 1);
                return try v.visitString(arena, De, try allocator.?.dupe(u8, str));

        return error.InvalidType;

    fn deserializeVoid(self: *Self, arena: Allocator, v: anytype) Error!@TypeOf(v).Value {
        if (try |token| {
            if (token == .Null) {
                return try v.visitVoid(arena, De);

        return error.InvalidType;

    fn deserializeOptional(self: *Self, arena: Allocator, v: anytype) Error!@TypeOf(v).Value {
        const backup = self.tokens;

        if (try |token| {
            if (token == .Null) {
                return try v.visitNull(arena, De);

            self.tokens = backup;
            return try v.visitSome(arena, self.deserializer());

        return error.InvalidType;

    fn deserializeSeq(self: *Self, arena: Allocator, v: anytype) Error!@TypeOf(v).Value {
        if (try |token| {
            if (token == .ArrayBegin) {
                var sa = SeqAccess{ .de = self };
                return try v.visitSeq(arena, De, sa.seqAccess());

        return error.InvalidType;

    fn deserializeMap(self: *Self, arena: Allocator, v: anytype) Error!@TypeOf(v).Value {
        if (try |token| {
            if (token == .ObjectBegin) {
                var ma = MapAccess{ .de = self };
                return try v.visitMap(arena, De, ma.mapAccess());

        return error.InvalidType;

const SeqAccess = struct {
    de: *Deserializer,

    pub usingnamespace
        .{ .nextElementSeed = nextElementSeed },

    fn nextElementSeed(self: *@This(), arena: Allocator, seed: anytype) Deserializer.Error!?@TypeOf(seed).Value {
        const element = seed.deserialize(arena, catch |err| {
            // End of input was encountered early.
            if ( - 1 >= {
                return err;

            return switch ([ - 1]) {
                ']' => null, // End of sequence was encountered.
                else => err, // Unexpected token was encountered.

        return element;

const MapAccess = struct {
    de: *Deserializer,

    pub usingnamespace
            .nextKeySeed = nextKeySeed,
            .nextValueSeed = nextValueSeed,

    fn nextKeySeed(self: *@This(), arena: Allocator, seed: anytype) Deserializer.Error!?@TypeOf(seed).Value {
        const tokens = self.d.tokens;

        if (try |token| {
            // End of map was encountered.
            if (token == .ObjectEnd) {
                return null;

            // Key was encountered.
            if (token == .String) {
                // Restore key.
       = tokens;

                // Deserialize key.
                return try seed.deserialize(arena,;

        return error.InvalidType;

    fn nextValueSeed(self: *@This(), arena: Allocator, seed: anytype) Deserializer.Error!@TypeOf(seed).Value {
        return try seed.deserialize(arena, self.d.deserializer());

pub fn main() !void {
    var d = Deserializer.init("\"x\":1,\"y\":2");
    const dd = d.deserializer();

    const result = try getty.deserialize(ally, struct{ x: i32, y: i32 }, dd);
    defer result.deinit();
    const value = result.value;

    std.debug.print("{any} ({})\n", .{ value, @TypeOf(value) });
  1. What we're doing here is telling Getty to perform deserialization again (by calling seed.deserialize) so that we can deserialize an element from the deserializer's input data.

    If there are no elements left (i.e., if ] was encountered) then null is returned. Otherwise, the deserialized element is.

    The seed parameter of nextElementSeed is a interface value, which allows for stateful deserialization. We don't really need that for this tutorial, but we can still use seed since the default seed of Getty just calls getty.deserialize.

Shell session
$ zig build run
{ 1, 2, 3 } (array_list.ArrayListAligned(i32,null))