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How a Zig value is represented within a data format is determined entirely by whichever Getty serializer you use. Therefore, it's important that you check how a serialization library is handling things before you start using it.

As an example, here's how the Getty JSON library does things:

Shell session
const a = {};                        // serialized as null
const b = "foobar";                  // serialized as "foobar"
const c = .foobar;                   // serialized as "foobar"
const d = .{ 1, 2, 3 };              // serialized as [1,2,3]
const e = .{ .x = 1, .y = 2 };       // serialized as {"x":1,"y":2}
const F = union(enum) { foo: i32 };
const f = U{ .foo = 1 };             // serialized as {"foo":1}


Similarly, it is up to a Getty deserializer to determine how values within a data format should be parsed and deserialized. For instance, the Getty JSON library has no issues converting the JSON object {"foo":1} into a tagged union. However, other deserializers may expect something different from their input data when deserializing into a union value.